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Propose an Event


The Teaching and Learning Center accepts proposals from faculty, instructors, staff and graduate students who would like to facilitate an event. Do you have an effective teaching approach or technique to share? We’d love to hear from you!

Teaching Talks

The Teaching and Learning Center sponsors and co-sponsors talks on teaching and learning topics. Presenters include those who teach across WVU as well as invited presenters from outside of WVU. Talks may be recorded at the discretion of the presenter and the availability of staff to close caption the recording for accessibility. Talks are typically offered on a single day and time.


Workshops are intended to serve as teaching professional development opportunities for WVU instructors. Those who attend a workshop will receive a digital copy of the materials and an email outlining the workshop’s outcomes. (Those who submit an annual review in Digital Measures are encouraged to retain this letter for their reference when putting together their materials.) Workshops are not recorded for instructor privacy and to encourage instructor dialogue which, at times, can include vulnerable conversations on teaching. The interactive and participant-centered nature of workshop events are generally not conducive to passive recordings. Workshops are typically offered multiple times at different locations. Participants leave our workshops with a product or asset that can be used in their teaching.


A proposal form is provided in Microsoft Word:

Completed proposals may be emailed to:
A member of the Teaching and Learning Center will review your proposal and get back with you.